Our Accomplishments!

Projects run by The Angel! Foundation

Human Trafficking Campaign

Campaigning Against Human Trafficking.


Conducting workshops on the empowerment of women and female feticide. Increasing successful Pregnancy calculator rate.

Girls School

Construction of a school for little girls, Najafgarh village.

Counseling Children

Counseling and interaction with primary school children.

Workshops On Hygiene, Nutrition And Health

Conducting workshop on personal hygiene for Women and Child.

Construction and Clean-Up Training Center

Construction of a training center for women in Prem Nagar village.

Street Plays

Education through entertainment by Street Plays against Female Feticide.

Computer Workshops

Conducting workshop on basic computer skills for junior school boys in Najafgarh village.

Books Distribution

Distribution of books & stationery to underprivileged girls in Kalyanpuri Slums, New Delhi.

Counseling Workshops

Counseling and educating older community members about the negative impact of female feticide.

Independence Day Celebrations

Celebrating Independence day with village children.